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How Do I Input My Character Name When Creating One?


How Do I Navigate the Skill Tree?

You can access the skill tree by pressing the menu button on your controller and using the right bumper. If you are under level 50, pressing right bumper once will show the skill tree, but if you are above level 50 It will show the paragon board so you'll have to press the right trigger to switch from the paragon board to your skill tree.

The skill tree is not a grid, despite DPad working inside it. It consists of your active and passive skills under different categories, based on your character class. Let's focus on active skills first.

To find and assign an active skill, you can press the l3 button, (left thumbstick) to switch to a grid view which shows your active skills. Note that this window does not include passive skills. this window has two functions.

  1. While focused on an active skill, Pressing r3, or right thumbstick, will close this grid view and go back to the skill tree view, zooming in on the active skill, You can now press the bottom action button to assign a skill point, or use the DPad to assign skill points to your active skill's passive enhancements and upgrades.
  2. The second function in the grid view is Picking up an already learned active skill and putting it on your action bar. Focus on one of your learned active skills and press the bottom action button. You now are in the skill assignment window with 6 slots, you can choose one and press the bottom action button to place your skill there. more on this window below under a new heading. After we address passive skills

To assign your points in passive skills, you must navigate the skill tree either with DPad or the left thumbstick. This window could be confusing because It is not a grid and active and passive skills are laid out in groups under categories. Sometimes, to find a skill, you must find another skill, then go left or right from there as an example. Study your class and the skill categories and try to remember where each skill is, remember that you can use the active skill grid to zoom in on different places of this skill tree and use it as a shortcut to get into different parts of the skill tree window. Unfortunately besides trial and error, There is no other way to find certain skills because to reach them you need to follow a specific path.

How to assign active skills to buttons and What is the order of the skill slots?

After you press the bottom action button and pick up a skill from the grid view, the skill assignment window opens with six slots, press the bottom action button on the empty slot or filled slot to place or replace a skill on your action bar. You can also drag and drop skills within the assignment window as well.

From left to right, here are the slots:

  • Top action button
  • RB (Xbox) or R1 (Playstation)
  • LT (Xbox) or L2 (Playstation)
  • RT (Xbox) or R2 (Playstation)
  • Bottom action button
  • Left action button

Note that some unique class mechanics also exist in this window, such as the sorcerer enchantment slots, that you need to drag and drop skills into the same way.

How to find waypoints and other marked locations on the map

To be able to find waypoints and other marked interests on the map, you can use the zoom and sweep method.

First, open the map. Then, adjust your zoom with the right thumbstick, depending on how far or close the map object is to your player's location. Pressing down on the right thumbstick will zoom out one level, and pressing up will zoom in a level.

Now, you will scan each direction out of the 8 available, in a radius of your choosing. Let's choose up, for example. Click your left thumbstick upwards four times; this means that we have scrolled the cursor four times northward from your current location. Now, press down on R3 (right thumbstick) to bring the cursor back to your current location. Repeat this for the 7 other directions, such as up-right for northeast, and right for east.

Once you have found what you're looking for, you can walk or ride in that direction to get closer and scan again as you get closer, with your zoom level slowly getting closer, i.e., more zoomed in. Alternatively, the new audio navigation might be able to guide you to your location once it is available! more on that once we have more information.

Note that as you play more, you'll learn which zoom level is good for finding which things. For example, zoom all the way out to find town waypoints. Also, note that as the zoom level increases and the map is smaller, your cursor will jump over objects with one click of your direction, so you might miss or skip over a point of interest that you're looking for.

How are the zones laid out on the map

Note: this section will be updated to include the zones of Vessel of Hatred DLC once it's released.

When you reach Kyovashad, either by completing the campaign, skipping the campaign or completing prologue, You are in the Fractured Peaks zone. Kyovashad is the capital of this zone, If you press DPad down anywhere within this zone, you will be teleported to Kyovashad and a portal will be placed for you to your last location.

To the south of Fractured Peaks is the zone named Hawezar, with Zarbinzet as the capital.

To the west of Factured Peaks is Dry Steppes, with Ked Bardu as the capital.

To the west of Hawezar and south of Dry Steppes is the zone Kehjistan, with Gea Kul as the capital.

To the Northwest of Fractured Peaks and Northeast of Dry Steppes is the zone Scosglen, with Cerrigar as the capital.

How to find helltides and the blood madan boss

Note: At every hour, a helltide will take place in one of the zones but it won't cover all of it. The quickest way to find out which zone has a helltide active is to teleport to the waypoints mentioned below and then scan for whispers related to the helltide or helltide chests. alternatively, if you found the whispers related to the helltide while scanning the map, you know which zone to go towards.

Also note that all of these waypoints will be unlocked if you use the skip campaign feature.

  • Fractured Peaks. from Kyovashad, Ride northwest out of the town right into the helltide! If you want to find the blood madan altar, continue riding north and find the openning to another subzone and the altar should be northwest of you.
  • Hawezar. Find the waypoint named Ruins of Rakhat Keep. This waypoint is in the center, and northish of the zone. teleport there and head southeast into the helltide! The blood madan altar is to the south and southwest of you. Alternatively, teleport to Wejinhani, which is to the southwest and centerish of the zone, and head southeast out of the town right into the helltide!
  • Kehjistan. Find the Iron Wolves Encampment waypoint, which is at the center, westish of the zone, and also west of the Imperial Library waypoint. Head west out of the Encampment through a very narrow opening into the helltide! The blood madan altarshould be slightly north and west of you.
  • Dry Steppes. Find the waypoint named Jirandai, which is southwest of the zone, right at the border of Dry steppes and Kehjistan, Head Northeast out of the town into the helltide! Do not use the jump point in the town, just ride north and northeast out of the town. The blood madan altar is to the northeast, east, southeast, and southwest of you. This zone has winding paths.
  • Scosglen. Find the waypoint named Marowen northwest of the zone, Ride southeast into the helltide! The blood madan altar should be east and north and northeast of you, but i am not entirely sure.

Enjoy openning torture chests and remember you need to farm hearts to summon the blood madan. Use the zoom and sweep method to find chests.